OTISS is being constantly improved to meet the requirements and suggestions made by our customers.
September 2024 – Pear Map Shop
The Pear Map Shop has been integrated into OTISS so customers can now seamlessly access and purchase Ordnance Survey MasterMap data. This is particularly valuable for sites of any size when a detailed and up-to-date map is required to assist with accurately mapping trees. Read more about how to purchase OS MasterMap data through OTISS.
September 2024 – Site Boundary Colours
Added following popular demand, you can now edit site boundary colours. Colours can be defined for individual boundaries allowing different areas to be easily distinguished on the map. Read more about site boundaries…
December 2023 – Pear Technology Acquires OTISS
I am excited to announce that Pear Technology has completed the acquisition of OTISS (Intrinsica Technology Ltd).
December 2023 – Tree Numbering
When you plot a new tree, OTISS ‘suggests’ a suitable reference/tag number to use. But this is only a suggestion – you can change it to whatever you like!
There are now three different methods for making this suggestion. Choose the one that best suits your requirements.
- Arb Standard – T01, G01, H01, T02, T03, G02, …
- Arb Single – T01, G02, H03, T04, T05, T06, G07, …
- OTISS Flexible – ABC-001, ABC-002, ABC-003 (current default)
Read more about Tree Numbering…
NB: You must goto the Customise Survey webpage and update the Reference field to select which of the above you want to use.
December 2023 – Tree Safety
New options for Tree Safety Survey Forms and Re-Surveys.
- Now you can specify that the DBH values are milli-metres (as opposed to centi-metres). On the Customise Survey webpage add “(mm)” or “(cm)” in the field name.
- You can have a picklist of ranges for the DBH, Height and Crown Radius fields. For example, on the Customise Survey webpage add picklist for Height as “Up to 10m=10, 10m-15m=15, 15m and more=30”. We still store a single number for height, but you can present it on the survey form and reports as a range.
- Similarly, You can have a picklist of ranges for the Custom Number fields.
- Read more on the Tree Safety webpage
- (Premium users only) We have enhanced the work flow when you are carrying out a Re-Survey. On the mobile app when you Re-Survey an existing tree, a new button appears to allow you to first update any outstanding Recommendation/Work Items that are present on the previous survey – then you can continue with the Re-Survey.
- We do this by automatically placing the previous survey into the Work stage. When you are finished on-site, you Sync the ReSurvey (as usual) and you will also need to Sync the previous Work survey.
- Read More…
December 2023 – Excel Reports
A range of new features when using Excel Templates to generate your Excel reports.
- Two field summary tables. You can now do a summary on 2 separate fields. For example: “Show how many trees of each Condition for each Site”, or “Show how many trees of each Life Stage for each Retention Category”. With this new data table, you can also use Excel to create Cross Tabs and Pivot Tables.
- We now cope with Excel ‘merged cells‘ much better. Using merged cells can make your reports much more presentable. OTISS now allows them to be present in tables.
- We have added some extra keywords and fieldIds to provide more data presentation options.
- Read more on the Excel Reports Template webpage…
April 2023 – Arb Consultancies
We have added some extra options for when you have a team of consultants and surveyors that regularly work together on lots of projects. We can set them up as a consultancy team. The team consists of a main Consultant and one or more additional users – all on a single annual invoice. Read More…
April 2023 – BS 5837 Enhancements
A series of new features and changes.
- Hedges can now be plotted as lines. If you also enter a crown radius, then we can draw the canopy as a curved, elongated, oblong shape along the hedge line. See the new ‘Add Hedge’ tool on the map pages.
The RPA for the hedge is calculated based on the stem diameter (in the usual way), the RPA radius applies on both sides along the hedge line. Premium users can use the Modify RPA to tailor the RPA.
- Two new multi-line survey fields have been added to the survey form. The survey notes can now be broken up into three different sections. We have configured the new ones as: Fungus (with a list of common fungi); and as Pests and Diseases (with a suitable picklist). But you can use the Customise Survey webpage to change these to suit your own working practices and client requirements.
- Additional survey fields have been added for Physiological and Structural Conditions. Many consultants already use the customText fields for this information. These new fields will free up the customText fields for other uses.
Note: To avoid confusion, these new fields are hidden on existing surveys – but that can be changed on the Customise Survey webpage.
- To make things easier for you, we now have a single Stem Diameters field (we did have a separate Stem Diam field when there was just one stem). The functionality has not changed – just enter one or more stem diameters and we calculate the RPA.
- We now support the new CAVAT Full Method 2023. Read More…
April 2023 – Tree Safety Enhancements
A series of new features and changes.
- The crown spread can now be recorded EITHER as a single value OR separate values for North/East/South/West directions. The asymmetric crown can be displayed on the maps pages. On the Customise Survey webpage you can make the Crown Radius field visible for some clients (and it will hide the other 4 fields). For other projects, simply make the one of the 4 fields visible and it will automatically show all four fields (and hide the average crown radius field).
- Hedges can now be plotted as lines. If you also enter a crown radius, then we can draw the canopy as a curved, elongated, oblong shape along the hedge line. See the new ‘Add Hedge’ tool on the map pages.
- Two new multi-line survey fields have been added to the survey form. The survey notes can now be broken up into three different sections. We have configured the new ones as: Fungus (with a list of common fungi); and as Pests and Diseases (with a suitable picklist). But you can use the Customise Survey webpage to change these to suit your own working practices and client requirements.
- Additional survey fields have been added for Physiological and Structural Conditions. These can be used instead of – or as well as – the existing Overall Condition field. On the Customise Survey webpage, you can change these to suit your own working practices. For example you may change one of them to Vitality – or simply hide the ones that you are not interested in.
Note: To avoid confusion, these new fields are hidden on existing surveys – but that can be changed on the Customise Survey webpage.
April 2023 – CAVAT updated
We now support the new CAVAT Full Method 2023. Read More…
This is included in the Premium subscription holders for both the Tree Safety and the BS 5837 survey modules. Other users can pay to upgrade.
November 2022 – Some minor improvements
Reviewing inspection data
When reviewing data on the website’s spreadsheet page, the new Next/Prev buttons make it quicker to view and make any changes required.
Recommendation reports can include or exclude “No action needed” and Completed works. A Work Schedule for the contractor team is best done by downloading a Recommendations report and excluding all the No Action and completed work items.
Map Icon Colours for Risk Assessments
When you select the QTRA, ISA TRAQ and THREATS survey template, we automatically setup a set of map icon colours for the Risk Score field. You can change and adapt these colours to suit your needs.
Managing Clients
When you have dozens or hundreds of clients, it can be hard to keep track and fine them again. On the Manage Clients page we have added the Site Names to the table of information about each client. Use the Search button to find the right one by the client name; or on if the site names. Read More…
Within an Arb Consultancy, where several consultants are working together; each will have their own OTISS Clients and can assign each other to a Client to collaborate on larger projects. Use the Client-> Access web page to Add Users and change ownership of the Client within the consultancy.
On the survey apps, Premium Consultants have a new menu item to quickly Create a Client with a Site and Survey. Enter the minimum set of details and update them later on the website. If you need anything more complicated (e.g. loading site maps, customising the survey form, etc), then you need to log into the OTISS website.
Work Due colours
On the survey app, when carrying our Work Surveys, a new Settings field allows you to control which items of work are coloured red, e.g. within 6 Months, within 1 year, etc.
KML/KMZ site plans
The Google Earth format is getting more popular. OTISS can now import KML/KMZ as site/topo plans.
KeyTREE support
OTISS now supports the use of KeyTREE when using non-georeferenced CAD drawings. The KML will now match up to your CAD drawing when loaded into KeyTREE.
August 2022 – Your Suggestions
We have added some new features based on your suggestions.
Nothing major – but lots of useful stuff!
Survey Form – re-order the fields
- You can now use the Customise Survey webpage to change the order of fields on the survey form.
- Use the up/down arrows to change the order of the fields on the Android survey apps. Note: only the Android survey form is changed – the web version of the survey form is unchanged (for now).
Photo Resolution
- The latest phones and tablet have new cameras that can take very high resolution photos (e.g. 10 Mega Pixels and more). These far exceed what we need to survey reports, and result in larger files sizes and slower sync and processing performance.
- A new Photos Settings in the OTISS survey apps allows you to restrict the size of photos to a fixed resolution (in megapixels). This will save storage space and improve sync times.
- Read More…
Veteran Tree Surveys
- We have added two templates to enable you to carry out Veteran Tree surveys. Read More…
Managing lots of sites
For those estates that have lots of sites to manage, you can use the Sites table to plan the work required and when a re-survey is required. The Site table shows:-
- The # Items column shows the number of trees/groups and furniture items.
- The # Works column shows the number of un-completed work items – i.e. recommendations with a timescale.
- The Last Active column shows when trees/items were last plotted, inspected or updated.
- The Re Survey date suggests when the next survey is due – based on the Start Date of the most recent survey and the Inspection Cycle period configured for the Site Edit form.
- Read More…
Move Labels on Print webpage
- When using the Maps-> Print webpage, you use the existing controls in the side panel to setup the map that you wish print.
- If the trees’ labels are a bit cluttered, you can press the Move Labels button and drag the labels clear of each other (in the same way as on the Maps webpage).
Black and White Maps
- We have found a new way of showing the OpenStreet BW map (Open Street Map in Black and White).
- It is sometimes useful to have a grey base map so that the tree icons and text are more visible.
BS 5837 Map Icon Colours
- The colour of the map icons is specified in the BS 5837 standard and cannot be changed.
- However it is sometimes useful to change the colour of the associated text to make it more readable on some maps.
- The BS 5837 Map Colours web page (found via the Customise Survey button on the BS5837 page), is used to change the text colours and the Colour key.
- Read More…
Copy Map Icon Colour configuration
- For those of you who like to customise the icon colours on the Map.
- On the TreeSafety Map Colours webpage, you can now copy a Colour Configuration that you used before on a different client.
Transfer sites from one Client to another.
- For Premium Arb Consultants subscriptions only. Occasionally, a site is created in one client and later it may need to be transferred to a different client. On the Sites webpage, the Transfer Sites button allows you to move one or more sites from this client to another client.
- Transferring a site will transfer ALL the associated surveys, trees, assets, inspections, photos and maps.

January 2022 – BS 5837 Groups of trees
The BSI 5837:2012 does not specify what to do with groups of trees in any great detail. With OTISS, Groups and Hedges can now be created by plotting a set of individual trees and then ‘wrapping’ them up to form a single item in your reports.
- Within the group, trees can be plotted and specified as normal and then they can be marked as Un-named trees – i.e. not allocated a Tree/Tag number such as T34. These ‘Un-named’ trees appear on the maps as crowns and/or RPAs, but they do not appear in the reports.
- A separate Group (polygon) is then drawn around the trees and it is used to report the survey notes, species, recommendations, etc. for the entire group.
Premium BS5837 users can already modify the RPA of trees and groups. Now they have additional buttons to automatically create the crown and RPA of a group so that they neatly enclose the trees within the group.
January 2022 – Maps and Printing
Earlier in 2021 we did a major upgrade to the maps on the web site and the Survey Apps. Based on your feedback and suggestions we have enhanced them as follows:

- The Map Print page has been upgraded to download high resolution PDFs and JPEGs. Read More…
- The Map Colour Keys are more configurable – including numeric ranges and Work Due colours.
- Selecting trees is now always done by clicking on the central icon or text label. You told us that selecting via the crown spread shape was not helpful when the trees are crowded.
- Improved ease of use (and bug fixes) for the various Map and Measure features.

January 2022 – More for ‘What 3 Words’
For our Premium users only, we have added more support for What 3 Words on the website and in the Excel Reports.
- The ///what3words address now appears on the Survey Form along side the grid reference – e.g. TQ 45895 79987, ///wells.spend.join
- Not on the standard reports, but when using the Excel Report Templates, you can simply add a column called “What 3 Words” into the table. OTISS will fill in the address. Note: adding this column will slow down the report generation a little (because the addresses have to be calculated) – allow 30 seconds extra per 1000 trees.
January 2022 – Qarb Support
KTF Software provides Qarb as a plug in CAD application for both BricsCAD® and AutoCAD® that creates BS5837 compliant drawings for tree reports and plotting trees on any type of Tree Survey Plan.
OTISS can generate a CSV formatted file that can be imported into Qarb. This makes it seamless to use OTISS for BS5837 data collection and Qarb for preparing your CAD drawings. Read More…
August 2021 – Public Sector users and clients
OTISS provides access to the UK Ordnance Survey maps, but only down to a certain zoom level. Access to the OS Premium Maps is possible when working with Public Sector organisations.
Public Sector users and Arb Consultants who are working for Public Sector clients can have access to the OS Premium maps via OTISS and the OS Data Hub website.

August 2021 – Your suggestions
We have added a few new features based on your suggestions. Including:
- Export BS5837 and TreeSafety DXF files for use in PT-Mapper (Pear Technology) – Read More…
- On the Maps webpage, you can now configure the BS5837 RPA Colour.
- We now have Google Hybrid maps available on the website.
- Excel reports have Latin species names in italics – White Mulberry (Morus alba).
- Along with other minor updates and fixes…

April 2021 – V3.00 all about maps
The V3.00 is a major update of all the map features on both the web site and the survey apps. We have kept all the familiar commands and menus – but made lots of improvements – especially on the mobile survey apps.

- UK Ordnance Survey maps are now included in your subscription (but not OS MasterMap). The full OS Mastermap is available to Public Sector users (OS PSGA/PSMA licensees).
- Site Boundaries are displayed and can be updated on the survey apps.
- More options when displaying icons on the survey apps (e.g. crown spread; RPA; curved shapes for groups of trees).
- When you Add Tree/Group and fill in the survey form, you can immediately drag it to a better position or reshape it.
- Re-position labels to improve presentation for crowded areas – see video.
- The Georeference webpage now shows the underlaying basemaps so you can to check accuracy.
In addition for our premium users:
- A new Measure tools to check distances and accurately position trees and assets – see video.
- BS5837 users can now Modify an RPA polygon on map to account for tree and site features – see video.
- Download a complete map of UK & Ireland for use offline.

October 2020 – OTISS with sub-metre GPS.
We did some testing of the OTISS survey apps with the Trimble TDC600 rugged Android and the Trimble Catalyst GPS – with excellent results!
The OTISS survey apps run on your Android phone/tablet. Good quality phones/tablets can typically achieve 3-5 metre accuracy in the right conditions. In many of cases, this is accurate enough when combined with good maps and your own site plans. But for greater accuracy, you have two options:
(1) Rugged Androids – with very accurate GPS/GNSS are more expensive than the normal phones and tablets – but are ideal for outdoor use. They are waterproof (IP67), rugged construction, bright display screens and bigger batteries. There are several manufacturers for rugged Androids – Read More…
(2) Standalone GPS/GNSS receivers are designed for much greater precision – from 2.5 metres to 5 centimetre accuracy. It is now very easy to link a very accurate external Bluetooth GPS device to your phone/tablet and benefit from the improved accuracy – Read More…
August 2020 – Work Surveys

Last year we introduced the Work Done fields to record when the recommended actions were completed, along with some Work Notes.
Now we have added a Work stage to the survey process. The important thing about the Work stage, is that none of the inspection details, recommendations or photos can be changed – only the Work Done checkbox and work notes can be updated – and more photos taken of course.
After the inspections have all been carried out by the qualified arborist, the survey can be moved from Active to Work stage, and other OTISS users can be assigned to the survey. This allows estate staff or arboricultural contractors to carry out and record the work done. Using the OTISS Tree Survey app, they download the Work survey and see all the trees that require work on their phone/tablet. They use the app to tick the ‘Work Completed’ checkbox, add notes (if required) and can take photos to show the results. Read more…
- For the Work Surveys feature, you will need to upgrade to the latest V2.80 release of the surveys apps.
July 2020 – Have you heard about ‘What 3 Words’?
What3words is an interesting way for the general public to pinpoint a location on a map. There is a free smart phone app available, so all anyone has to do is open the app and it will describe their current location using 3 simple words.
What3words can be used to describe a GPS position anywhere on the globe – accurate to 3metre x 3metres. The app still uses GPS to know its position – but when accuracy it not crucial – then ///daily.cycle.amuse is easier to communicate than N51° 30.536′ W000° 07.447′ or 51.508934, -0.124111.
Initially used by the emergency services, but increasingly by other local authorities and the general public, what3words is gradually becoming more widely used. We may see it more in our industry.

- Your customer could use it to describe a tree they are worried about.
- A volunteer or community survey of the trees for a parish council.
- Ecology habitat surveys.
As a first step, we have added a feature to pin-point a what3words location on the OTISS maps. On the Maps webpage, press the Address button and type in the what3words.
Please get in touch with OTISS if you are finding ways that what3words is becoming useful in the arboriculture industry and we will expand our support within OTISS.
May & June 2020 – Website updates
We have been updating and enhancing many of the website pages to have a cleaner and un-cluttered look. Also adding more help and a few enhancements from our wishlist. Hope you like it!
March 2020 – Working together

Tree management is often a team effort. The team often includes; estate manager, groundsmen, rangers, caretakers, and office staff, working alongside arboricultural consultants and contractors. Good communication within the team is vital.
Sending Emails
Various Send Email buttons have been added around the website to provide a convenient one-click option to send emails to all the other OTISS users working on the estate. Your normal email application (e.g. Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.) is used and a partial email is composed. The subject line includes the site name and the tree’s or item’s reference. You complete and send the email as normal. Use the Client/Estate Access web page to configure who is on the To: and Cc: lines of the email.
Its only a little feature! But hopefully it makes communication easier within the team.
Sharing Documents and Reports

OTISS now provides some extra storage for documents, reports and files so that they can be stored on the OTISS server and shared with all the estate users. This storage is intended to be used solely as a means of sharing documents between the different organisations involved – i.e. estate managers, consultants, contractors, etc.
Just one of the many benefits of using an online system.
This new document storage is in addition to the existing Photos feature where each tree/item can have photos (and documents) linked to them.
March 2020 – Tree Species
On screen and in reports we now use the common species names e.g. ‘Silver Birch’. In the past, our species names were worded as ‘Birch, Silver’, ‘Birch, White’, etc (i.e. grouped together by the genus) to make searching and selecting a species easier. But recent search/filter improvements in the mobile app and website have this format unnecessary. So we have switched to the more ‘normal’ English usage. This will make your the reports and descriptions better.
But when searching for a species on the mobile apps, we have kept the familiar ‘genus ordered’ option that groups all the same genus together for easier selection. When selecting a tree species, you can now choose between ‘Common’, ‘Ordered’ and ‘Botanical’ names.
We also added a set of Swedish tree species for our new customers in Sweden.
March 2020 – More Security
March 2020 sees us continuing our focus on security on the website and in the mobile survey apps.

We have improved password privacy by allowing users to register and login via Google/Facebook/etc. As long as you use the same email address as used in Google/Facebook/etc, you can use OTISS fully and we never see (or store) your password.
We only login via Google/Facebook/etc in order to check who you are (i.e. authentication). Apart from your name and email address, we have no permission or ability to access any other information in your Google/Facebook account.
Also improved the security for the mobile survey apps – more behind the scenes stuff that you (hopefully) will never see.
January 2020 – All about Security
For January 2020 we have been beefing up our security. Nothing that will change how you use OTISS – just better protection for our (and your) peace of mind. Including:
- Upgraded security/protection on the website itself;
- Better encryption of your passwords (we could never read your passwords anyway – but now its just tighter encryption);
- Upgraded anti-virus and intrusion protection on the OTISS servers;
- Much more powerful servers with higher performance and more bandwidth.
December 2019 – Improved website and help
Updated the website pages to present a more modern, clearer layout and presentation of the sites and survey data. We have added more summary help information on each page which we hope will serve to remind you how to get things done, but also links to the more extensive information and guidence on our Support website.
In addition, there are a few small map related enhancements:
- Zoom to a site on the map by entering a post code or postal address.
- vertical information blocks when printing maps;
December 2019 – Exporting BS5837 to CAD
A few enhancements in how the BS5837 data collected in OTISS can be exported into CAD drawings.
- More options availabe when generating BS5837 CAD/DXF files. Shadow outlines for tree height and ultimate/mature tree height; customise a multi-line block of text to appear with each tree. Read More…
- KeyTREE now accepts polygons and estimated values. We continue to work closely with the KeyTREE team to make sure that all the information collected in OTISS can be easily and quickly transfered into CAD drawings using the KeyTREE product – see Using OTISS with KeyTREE.
June 2019 – Tree Valuation Methods
As an optional extra, you could also carry out a CAVAT or TEMPO valuation. The tree valuation sub-forms are simply part of a TreeSafety, Risk Assessment survey or BS5837 survey; or can be used to carry out tree stock valuation on an estate. As you fill in the valuation factors, the forms automatically calculate a resulting monetary value (£) or merit score. Read More…
June 2019 – Excel Reports – bells and whistles
We have added some snazzy improvements to the Excel Reports: Company logos; coloured cells based on Condition; Timescale, ISA TRAQ, QTRA risk rating; improved charts adjusted to cope with the multiple species in a group. Read More…
June 2019 – Recording the Work Done
For estates and arboricultural consultancies that followup the surveys to carry out the recommended works, we have added a set of ‘work done’ fields to record the date the work was done, by whom and some work notes. These could be filled in by the work team or by a followup visit to check the work. These work dates and notes allow for a complete record and audit trail of all survey and subsequent maintenance work on each tree. Read More…
June 2019 – Multiple Species per group
When you plot a Group, Hedge, Shrubs or Woodland (displayed as a polygon), then you can record multiple species with a Variety and NumTrees for each one. The NumTrees for each species are automatically added up and the total stored in the NumTrees field for the group. The multiple species are listed on the reports and the total Num Trees in the Excel charts and tables are also adjusted accordingly.
October 2018 – Markup photos on-site
You can markup a photo with some coloured lines and arrows to help clarify your recommendations for the work needed, or to point out some feature or defect that is mentioned in the survey notes. Read More…
October 2018 – Improved Client Management
Introducing an improved set of features to manage your growing list of clients. Read More…
October 2018 – QTRA – Quantified Tree Risk Assessment Method
TreeSafety risk assessment methodologies now include QTRA. Read More…
October 2018 – BS 5837 for veteran trees.
Following the ‘New Standing Advice: Ancient Woodland and Veteran Trees‘ (Nov 2017) from Natural England and the Forestry Commission, we now calculate the RPA of a ‘veteran’ tree as 15 times the stem diameter – instead of 12 times for other trees.
August 2018 – Lots of minor enhancements.
Over the summer we have made lots of minor fixes and enhancements suggested by our users.
January 2018 – Photos in Reports
There are now Survey and Recommendation reports that include thumbnail photos for each tree/item. Read More…
January 2018 – Client Templates
For Arboricultural Consultants working with many clients, you can create one or more clients and use them as survey ‘templates’ for future actual clients. Read More…
November 2017 – More CAD support
Many architects provide drawings in milli-metre units, these can now be directly imported into OTISS. Read More…
October 2017 – Survey app enhancements
The Survey apps and website have been improved with some enhancements suggested by our users. Read More…
August 2017 – Export BS5837 data to KeyTREE
OTISS is an excellant data collection system that can be used with KeyTREE for preparing your CAD drawings. Read More…
July 2017 – History of a tree/item
A new webpage provides you with a complete audit trial and maintenance history for each tree/item. A complete history of all the inspections, photos and reports for each tree/item. Read More…
July 2017 – Download Offline Maps
For survey areas with poor 4G/3G mobile signal, it is now easier to pre-load the maps before you leave your home/office. Read More…
May 2017 – Take Photos as part of the Survey
You can store photos and other documents with each tree or item. A good photo may reduce the need to provide a detailed description, and so speed up the survey process. Read More…
March 2017 – Australia and New Zealand
OTISS users in Australia and New Zealand now have a list of native trees species. We also support GDA/MGA and NZTM2000 map reference systems. Read more…
March 2017 – Various Updates
Our latest release of the website and survey apps contains a lots of small enhancements and bugfixes. Read about the main ones…
February 2017 – Our new website has gone live!
We have updated the layout and format of the sales and support websites. They are now much easier to use on tablets and phones. We hope that the simpler menus, better layout and search features of the support website will help our users to quickly find what they need.
October 2016 – CAD Drawings – DWG and DXF
CAD drawings (in DWG and DXF formats) can be loaded directly into OTISS to use as your site/topo plan. Read all about our CAD support.
October 2016 – Geo-reference your PDFs and site plans
You can tell OTISS the grid references for your PDF site plans and use them with GPS and aerial views. Read more about geo-referencing.
July 2016 – Google Aerial Maps
Google Roads map, Google Aerial map and Open Street Maps are now available on the OTISS website and all the Android™ survey apps.
July 2016 – More survey customisation features
Our survey forms are now much more configurable; names, picklist, mandatory, range checks… Read more about the new survey customisation features.
January 2016 – Using OTISS and GIS
Many of our customers have to deal directly or indirectly with Geographic information system (GIS) systems. Read more about the GIS features and formats.
October 2015 – Improved Survey apps
We recently improved all our Android Survey apps with a range of new features to make your surveying easier. Tool Bar, List View, more Settings – read more…
March 2015 – New TreeSafety features
New Tree Safety features have appeared on the OTISS website and survey apps. Tree Species, tag numbers, Risk Zones – read more…
March 2015 – New BS5837 Features
New features for BS5837 surveys include Estate Tree Species, Crown Radius and RPA on maps, tag numbers. Read more…
September 2014 – Excel Template Reports
A powerful system to provide you with a range of Excel reports with data tables and summary charts. Read more about our Excel Template Reports.
August 2014 – Tree Risk Assessment
OTISS now supports various tree safety risk assessment methodologies (e.g. ISA, Matheny and Clark 1994, THREATS ). Read more…
March 2014 Printing Maps
Two new features have been added on the Maps page. Icon sizes and Printing Maps.
March 2014 Support for Excel 2013
We have added a set of reports using the Excel XLSX format (in addition to the existing XLS format). These allow for better integration with Microsoft Office 2013 which expects all Excel documents to be in the XLSX format. Support for Excel 2013