Two new features have been added on the Maps page.
- A new option for Icon Size to show the actual crown radius size.
- The icons are drawn at actual size as recorded in; the TreeSafety ‘CrownRadius’ field, the Furniture ‘width’ or ‘length’ field; or a calculated average crown spread from the BS5837 north, south, east and west measurements. These icons get very small as you zoom out. Full details.
- Note for BS5837, the map can only show the average crown spread, but the CAD/DXF download shows a more accurate drawing with the actual north, south, east and west measurements.
- There is a Print button on the Maps page.
- Pressing the Print button creates a new window where you can setup the map how you want it to appear.
- Then (a) send the map to a printer, (b) store it as a PDF document or (c) create a snapshot image to add you your reports. Full details.