Various updates

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Our latest release of the website and survey apps contains a lots of small enhancements and bugfixes. Here are the main ones…

  1. All the Excel reports have been tidied up a bit and now create better PDF documents. When using Excel, use the File->SaveAs and select to “Save as type” PDF.
  2. On the Website Maps page, we have new tools for creating and re-shaping Tree Groups and polygons. These work in the same way as on the survey apps. Read more...
  3. Consultants and Estate Managers can now upload their company logos. These logos will appear on the screen and in some of the reports. See the Account and Estate Settings pages.
  4. The survey forms have multi-selection checkboxes for the Survey Notes and Recommendation fields.
  5. More details have been added to the Tree Risk Assessment ISA 2013 template.
  6. We have added a North arrow to the printed maps.