Our latest release of the website and survey apps contains a lots of small enhancements and bugfixes. Here are the main ones…
- All the Excel reports have been tidied up a bit and now create better PDF documents. When using Excel, use the File->SaveAs and select to “Save as type” PDF.
- On the Website Maps page, we have new tools for creating and re-shaping Tree Groups and polygons. These work in the same way as on the survey apps. Read more...
- Consultants and Estate Managers can now upload their company logos. These logos will appear on the screen and in some of the reports. See the Account and Estate Settings pages.
- The survey forms have multi-selection checkboxes for the Survey Notes and Recommendation fields.
- More details have been added to the Tree Risk Assessment ISA 2013 template.
- We have added a North arrow to the printed maps.